Side hustle small business ideas

If you want to earn extra income or turn your passion into a profitable venture, side hustling could be for you. A side hustle is a business you operate while holding down your day job, so you can keep the safety of a salary while giving yourself time to build your confidence and company. According […]

How to start a business in the UK

Despite the economic backdrop, analysis of Companies House data reveals that more than 436,000 businesses were registered in the UK between January and June 2023, an increase of 8% from 2022. On average, 101 new businesses were registered every hour in the first half of 2023, according to iwoca, a small business lender. Anyone can […]

What is Permanent Life Insurance

Why buy life insurance? We never really know what could happen tomorrow. Think about it – if something were to happen to you suddenly, wouldn’t you want to leave behind some financial security for your spouse, children, or whoever else depends on you? If you have a considerable amount of savings, you may not need […]

How to Invest In Gold

Some gold investment methods are more cost-effective than others, while some provide superior security. As you move through this guide, I will highlight the pros and cons of each method to help you understand the strengths and weaknesses of different gold investment options available and what you could invest in. Investing in commodities such as gold carries […]

The Best UK REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts)

A Real Estate Investment Trust, commonly abbreviated to REIT is an easy and effective way to tap into returns from UK commercial property, residential property and property development profits. The best UK REITs invest their capital into a diverse array of property assets and projects and pay a handsome income yield to investors to reward […]

Equity Crowd Funding Platforms

1. What are equity crowdfunding platforms? Equity is the ownership of the shares (or ‘stock’) of a company, which grants its owner the right to a share of the financial return of the business, through income (dividends) or proceeds from the sale of those shares. Crowdfunding is the act of raising finance for a business, project or […]

How to Earn in Free Shares & Sign-up Offers

We’ve found five new stockbrokers who so keen to get your business, they are prepared to offer you free shares to encourage you to register with them and fund your account with a small balance. Today, there is such thing as a free lunch, and we’ll show you exactly how to maximise the value of these offers: Freetrade – 1 […]

How to Invest in Bitcoin?

What is Bitcoin and how does it work? A digital currency which runs on a technology called blockchain. Its symbol is BTC. Bitcoin is actually one of many ‘cryptocurrencies’, named after the cryptography (i.e. code and passwords) that secure them. What cryptocurrencies have in common is that they are underpinned by a system of trust […]

How to Buy Shares and Invest in the Stock Market

1. Your decision: individual shares versus funds   Before you race off to compare stockbrokers, you need to make an investment strategy choice first. Take a length amount of time to decide what to invest in, to give yourself a chance to reflect on any risky choices. Do you want to invest directly into individual companies […]

Best Forex Brokers

Risk warning: Forex trading and CFD trading is a high-risk investment activity As we explain in our beginner’s guide to forex trading, forex trading can be a high risk investing activity, which may only be suitable for sophisticated investors. Currencies tend to move in only small increments on a daily basis. Forex brokers often provide CFDs, […]