The Best UK REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts)
A Real Estate Investment Trust, commonly abbreviated to REIT is an easy and effective way to tap into returns from UK commercial property, residential property and property development profits. The best UK REITs invest their capital into a diverse array of property assets and projects and pay a handsome income yield to investors to reward […]
Equity Crowd Funding Platforms
1. What are equity crowdfunding platforms? Equity is the ownership of the shares (or ‘stock’) of a company, which grants its owner the right to a share of the financial return of the business, through income (dividends) or proceeds from the sale of those shares. Crowdfunding is the act of raising finance for a business, project or […]
How to Earn in Free Shares & Sign-up Offers
We’ve found five new stockbrokers who so keen to get your business, they are prepared to offer you free shares to encourage you to register with them and fund your account with a small balance. Today, there is such thing as a free lunch, and we’ll show you exactly how to maximise the value of these offers: Freetrade – 1 […]
How to Buy Shares and Invest in the Stock Market
1. Your decision: individual shares versus funds Before you race off to compare stockbrokers, you need to make an investment strategy choice first. Take a length amount of time to decide what to invest in, to give yourself a chance to reflect on any risky choices. Do you want to invest directly into individual companies […]